Conquering the Clock
You don't have to be a slave to the tyranny of the clock. Thomas L. Are is fighting back and regaining control of his life. It isn't easy, but he is making progress.
Struggling with stress
Do you find yourself snapping at your spouse or secretary? Do you feel under constant pressure to do more, try harder, go faster? Does everyone, including I yourself, expect too much of you?
What Jesus said about perfection
Was Jesus serious when He said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matt. 5:48)? What did He mean, and how can we?
Feeding the sheep or guarding the goats?
The youth pastor has a difficult balancing act to accomplish. He is expected to spiritually nurture the religiously inclined young people while at the same time running a program that will appeal to the restive youth who are on their way out of the church. And he must do both without alienating the adult members!
Where did Jesus place the seventieth week?
The Saviour urged His disciples to understand the words of the prophet Daniel But did He place the fulfillment of Daniel's warning in the first century or at the end of time? Some interpreters believe that His same words mean one thing in Matthew and another thing in Luke!
Spiritual gifts in the church today
The topic of spiritual gifts has been receiving increased attention by many churches as they seek to help members in Christian service. Yet we tend to be selective in the gifts we recognize. The Scriptures seem to indicate that we can expect all the gifts to remain in the church until the need for them is swallowed up in eternity.
Passion: the indispensable ingredient
If the world is to be won for Christ, there is no substitute for a passion for souls.
Reach out and touch someone
When the Bell Telephone system coined this catchy phrase, they probably didn't have pastors in mind. But you will discover, as did this pastor, that the telephone can be an indispensable aid to ministry.
Should we have a loose-leaf Bible?
Some feel strongly that the greatest question facing conservative Christianity is the issue of the authority of Scripture. Can we find authority in the Bible if we decide what is truth and what is error?
Esther and history—1
Jewish rabbis and early Church Fathers debated whether the book of Esther should be included in the canon of Scripture. Today we are faced with a historical question: Did the events described in Esther really occur?