
How Adventism can stop growing

Around the country stand numerous empty, abandoned old churches. But they aren't Mormon churches. They aren't Seventh-day Adventist churches. They aren't Church of Christ churches or Southern Baptist churches. In describing why certain denominations flourish while others decline, the author also gives Seventh-day Adventists a formula for how to stop growing.

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Ritual and Adventist worship

Perhaps it is providential the Seventh-day Adventist Church does not have many liturgical roots. We have the opportunity to start with a clean slate and create forms of worship that are distinctively ours and that reflect our unique beliefs.

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Pastor and evangelist: closing the gap

In North America evangelists and pastors have increasingly been going separate ways. Evangelism is now something the church does one or two months a year, while its major emphasis is nurture of members. Such an attitude needs to change if the church is to grow.

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Peter: First-Century Revolutionary

Are we willing today to be a revolutionary as Peter was? Are we willing to give church members responsibility commensurate with their calling and enable them to become all that God plans for them to be?

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Don't make your people endure Communion

The communion service doesn't have to be a marathon that exhausts not only children but adults as well Here are some suggestions for making it significant yet enjoyable.

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Making youth baptisms mean something

The decision of a young per son for Christ is an important event. Let's not sandwich it between the announcements and the special music. Make it an event to be remembered all life long.

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The Advent near

Our church rose in a context of expectancy regarding the coming of Christ. What began as a sprint may have taken on characteristics of a marathon, says the author. Nevertheless, the spiritual attitudes of the sprint must be ours throughout the race, no matter how long it may be. Always we must keep the coming of Christ near and let it influence every decision of our lives.

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Worship leaves a warm feeling

Who would come out to prayer meeting on the coldest night of the winter and with more snow forecast? And if they did, burst water pipes ought to chill their enthusiasm! But something happened to dispel the cold.

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