The Daniel and Revelation Committee, authorized by the General Conference in January, 1981, completed its fourth session in a three-and-a-half-day meeting in Washington, D.C., October 24-27, 1982. Personnel for the group is drawn from Andrews and Loma Linda universities, three North American colleges, the offices of the Adventist Review, the Biblical Research Institute, the E. G. White Estate, and General Conference administration, and includes one representative from outside North America.

At the initial meeting (May, 1981) approximately thirty topics on a variety of issues in the books of Daniel, Revelation, Leviticus, and Hebrews were selected for immediate study, and competent authors were assigned. Research continues on these issues, although preliminary drafts on nearly every sub ject have been presented to the commit tee at this time.

The second session of the committee (September 28 and 29, 1981) was given to a review of materials in these areas produced by Adventist research during the past twenty years. The committee wanted to determine whether adequate study had already been done on some matters. If so, it could more wisely use its time examining other pressing concerns.

A nine-member "Committee on Problems in the Book of Daniel" functioned for a few years in the 1960s and generated about fifty manuscripts. Because it rendered no report, mystery seems to surround the work of this earlier committee in the minds of some. Therefore, the present group has reviewed the most substantive of its papers. The committee appreciated these older papers for their historical significance, but were also impressed by the large amount of material that has been researched and published in the past decade through Andrews University Seminary Studies, MINISTRY, and the 750-page volume The Sanctuary and the Atonement, prepared by the Biblical Research Institute. These more recently published materials have gone beyond the range and scope of the earlier endeavor.

The third and fourth sessions (April 21-25 and October 24-27, 1982) involved the committee in the presentation and discussion of the assigned topics. At the conclusion of the fourth meeting in Washington, D.C., agreement was expressed by those present on the following points:

1. The year-day principle may be established through reasonable interpretations of the Scriptures.

2. The Biblical evidence rules out Antiochus IV as the fulfillment of the little horn of Daniel 8.

3. The Biblical evidence supports the view that the judgment/sanctuary scene in Daniel 7 and 8 involves (among other things) an examination of the professed people of God.

4. The Biblical evidence supports the view that the 2300 evenings-mornings represent 2300 symbolic days rather than 1150 literal days.

It was agreed to begin publishing on the above and other topics in a series of volumes for pastors and members. The volumes will appear under the general heading: Daniel and Revelation Committee Series. Volume 1, Selected Studies on Prophetic Interpretation, is expected to be available through Adventist Book Centers and the Biblical Research Institute in the early months of 1983.

Research continues on points pertaining to the book of Daniel, but the committee will turn more of its attention in its next sessions to issues relating to the books of Hebrews and Revelation.—Frank B. Holbrook, secretary, Daniel and Revelation Committee.

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February 1983

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