
Baptism as ordination

The church has somehow separated the baptism of water from the baptism of the Spirit, and thus it fails to understand that baptism is more than incorporation into the community of the committed. It is ordination for full participation in Christ's ministry.

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What the church needs most

While the cement of Adventism is doctrine, could it be that we expend more efforts in constructing a theological system than we do in caring for people's needs?

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Caring for the newborn

A newborn Christian commonly faces four major crises within two years of his baptism. We need to know not only what they are but also how best to provide the remedy.

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Nothing can destroy what's in God's hand

Why is it that the church cannot be moved? Is it because of her citizens? because of her guards? because of her gates? because of her machinery? because of her leaders? It's because of the presence of God in her midst.

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Personality and church growth?

Here are the results of a survey of 1 66 Seventh-day Adventist pastors and their churches to determine whether there's a correlation between the pastor's personality and church growth.

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The gospel of health

While some have made health the whole gospel, others have divorced it completely from the gospel Seventh-day Adventists can offer a unique blending of the two that will attract others to Christ.

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When Christians differ

Should the pastor allow pluralism of doctrinal expression in his congregation? The answer depends in part upon ones definition of pluralism.

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Paul and the women at Philippi—2

Paul's converts in Philippi illustrate the truth that the gospel knows no limitations of class or social standing. Of his converts, Lydia was from the highest stratum and a slave girl from the lowest stratum of society.

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Shepherdess: 130 years as a nurturer

The author may not actually have spent more than a century as wife, mother, and grandmother, but the activities she describes here would certainly seem to require more than a single normal lifespan.

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