Undiplomatic relations
The Seventh-day Adventist Church, throughout its history strongly supportive of the United States's constitutional separation of church and state, takes a dim view of the recent establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Vatican. In this article, B. B. Beach points out that while in the past the Holy See might justifiably have requested diplomatic recognition on the basis of its having a significant political dominion, this is no longer true. And he gives five reasons the Seventh-day Adventist Church opposes President Reagan's move.
How accurate is Biblical chronology?
Ussher pegged Creation as beginning on the evening of October 22, 4004 B.C. His dates appeared in the margins of Bibles as late as 1910, and not until the rise of modern archeology has his dominance in the area of chronology really weakened. In this article the author examines some of the results of archeology on Ussher's dates and certain difficulties inherent in the Biblical chronological data.
A corner called Cherith
Elijahs ministry included both moments of high excitement and times of quiet service. In those quiet hours Elijah learned lessons that sustained and enriched his ministry through its more dynamic phases'. God often leads us to modern-day Cheriths.
Teach your child at home?
MINISTRY editor J. R. Spangler interviews Dr. Raymond Moore, director of the Hewitt Research Foundation and longtime advocate of home schools. Many pastors and churches are becoming increasingly interested in home schooling. What are the advantages? The disadvantages? How long should home schooling continue? What about State truancy laws? Can a parent be an adequate teacher, and is home schooling for every child?
What's new in Jerusalem?
Recent archeological work in Jerusalem has been particularly productive. Some of these finds include the oldest coin found in Israel and houses of the well-to-do of Jesus' time.
Shepherdess: Whirlwinds of stress
Stress is not unique to modern life. Jesus certainly experienced it too. While we may learn a lot from modern strategies for handling pressure, Jesus' life reveals important principles we shouldn't neglect.
Emotion in preaching
In this article, Dr. Bresee deals with the role of emotion in worship, particularly in preaching. He answers the questions as to how logic and emotion should be related and in what sequence they should come in the sermon, and gives six principles for using emotion in preaching.
Whatever happened to the resurrection?
Without the cross there would be no resurrection, but without the resurrection the cross would only memorialize a wasteful martyrdom.