
Does it really matter?

Why give nearly an entire issue to the question of how life began? We're here, and we need to get on with the business of living. Does the Creation-evolution debate touch us where we actually live today?

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Darwin's Revolution

Darwin did not burst upon an unsuspecting world with his idea of natural selection as the mechanism by which species evolved. Careful observations had been going on for decades. His book caught the public eye (and sold out in a single day) because of an increasing discontent with the Biblical view of origins and a worldwide destruction by flood. Readers either accepted his ideas eagerly or unswervingly opposed him.

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Creation, evolution, or other views?

The choice is not merely God or nature. Between divine creation and naturalistic evolution lie a number of intermediate positions that attempt to bring about some accommodation. Is this possible? The author summarizes these positions and their implications for both science and Scripture.

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Evidences for creation

The rich dimensions of human life, both physically and in those areas that penetrate to the essence of what life is about, reveal something about the Designer. No one was around at the origin of life, so all theories about it are really not susceptible to proof. But we can find evidences for the different ideas about origins. Creation by a divine Creator is the only theory that takes into account all that life is.

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Evidences for a worldwide flood

Some of the data in the rocks pose problems for one who believes in a literal worldwide flood such as described in Genesis. Such problems need to be recognized. Yet the rocks also present a number of difficulties to the one who believes a worldwide flood never happened. In fact, some features can hardly be explained apart from a water catastrophe of a magnitude greater than anything experienced in modern times.

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Evolution confronts Christianity

The following article begins with a look at what constitutes the evolutionary theory, indicates the inconsistency of the principles underlying it with the basic principles of Christianity, and then discusses how it relates to some of the Christian doctrines.

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Major objections to Creation and how we answer them

A number of scientific interpretations conflict with the Creation account as depicted in Genesis. The major ones are briefly considered here. For some there are good answers; for others, not. In this article, the staff of the Geoscience Research Institute candidly present the most serious objections raised against the creationist position. The reader ought to be aware, however, that the scientific evidence for Creation cannot be adequately evaluated on the basis of objections only.

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Shepherdess: The Stature Seekers

Even in the religious world, and even among ministerial families, status rather than stature can easily become the goal If we want to indulge ambition, Scripture encourages us to seek stature to the fullest.

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In search of the silver bullet

Can't creationists come up with some evidence so spectacular and overwhelming that evolutionists will be forced to watch their theories crumple into a heap? Such a search is futile, says the author, and may lead to something less than objectivity.

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Sermons from Psalms

We read from the Psalms at hospital bedsides, at weddings, and at funerals. We use them devotionally and we even sing some of them. But we rarely preach from them. And the reason, the author suggests, is because we don't really understand them. Here's how you can get into preaching from the Psalms in a way that will make them mean something to the people in your pews.

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