Monthly book reviews by various authors

Half the Congregation: Ministry with 18 to 40 Year Olds

R. T. Gribbon, The Alban Institute, 1984, 29 pages, $7.00 + $1.25 postage and handling, paper. Reviewed by David C. James, assistant editor, MINISTRY.

This manual (about the equivalent of a fifty-page book) is based on cross-denominational research conducted by the Alban Institute since 1976. The author points out that half the U.S. population is under the age of 40. And he notes that those who turn away from the church during their adolescence are most likely to return during the ages he deals with in this manual. He sets forth the manual's purposes as being "to provide ... an overview of issues involved in incorporating young adults into the life of the church" (p. 2), to summarize the characteristics of the various age groups included (transitional young adults—18 to 25, adults in their 20s, and adults in their 30s), and to give suggestions as to what churches may do to attract and hold those in these age groups.

You should find, as I did, the insights the manual contains to be quite helpful and stimulating. But don't expect detailed development of the insights or suggestions. You are left to plan how to utilize them your self, which may be just as well anyway. The manual includes listings of other resources which are available. I do think the price is somewhat steep for the size of the booklet. If you want to obtain a copy, write (include payment): The Alban Institute, Inc., Mount Saint Alban, Washington, D.C. 20016.

Expository Sermons on 2 Peter

D. M. Lloyd-Jones, The Banner of Truth, Box 621, Carlisk, PA 17013, 1983, 263 pages, $14.95. Reviewed by B., Russell Holt, executive editor of MINISTRY.

This excellent volume is comprised of twenty-five sermons preached by Dr. Lloyd-Jones in Westminster Chapel, London, during 1946 and 1947- Each is an example of clear Biblical thinking, sound conclusions, and penetrating wording. The reader will find that these sermons not only inspire him to preach expositorily with equal power but they will also speak to his own heart spiritually.

Not every reader will agree with the author's Calvinist concepts of the sovereignty of God, yet even this perspective grows out of Dr. Lloyd-Jones' high regard for the authority of Scripture—a view that shines out of every page and gives these sermons their compelling sense of urgency and power. This volume is well worth shelf space both as a model for preaching and as a storehouse of spiritual benefit.

Recently published

The Life of David Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The First Forty Years: 1899-1939. lain H, Murray, ed., The Camelot Press Ltd., Southampton, 1982, 394 pages (order from Banner of Truth, P. O. Box 621, Carlisk, Pennsylvania 17013).

Let Me Illustrate: Stories and Quotations for Christian Communicators. Albert P. Stauderman, Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, 1983, 188 pages, $7.95, paper.

The Youth Leader's Source Book. Gary Dausey, ed., Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1983, 332 pages, $14-95.

The Princeton Theology: 1812-1921. Mark A. Noll, ed., Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1983, 344 pages, $14.95, paper.

Hidden Pictures in the Old Testament, or How the New Testament Is Concealed in the Old Testament. Ada R. Habershon, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, 284 pages, $7.95, paper.

Is Man the Measure? An Evaluation of Contemporary Humanism. Norman L. Geisler, Baker Book House, Grand Rap ids, Michigan, 1983, 201 pages, $7.95, paper.

Christian Ethics in Secular Society. Phillp E. Hughes, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1983, 223 pages, $13.95.

Looking in the Mirror: Self-appraisal in the Local Church. Lyle E. Schaller, Abingdon Press, Nashville, 1984, 206 pages, $8.50, paper.

How to Mobilize Church Volunteers. Markne Wilson, Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, 1 983, 156 pages, $8.95, paper.

Inductive Preaching: Helping People Listen. Ralph L. Lewis with Gregg Lewis, Crossway Books, Westchester, Illinois, 1983, 223 pages, $6.95, paper.

Pastoral Preaching: Timeless Truth for Changing Needs. Gary D. Stratman, Abingdon Press, Nashville, Tennessee, 1983, 112 pages, $6.95, paper.

Why Us? When Bad Things Happen to God's People. Warren W. Wiersbe, Fleming H. Revell, Old Tappan, New Jersey, 1983, 158 pages, $8.95.

Monthly book reviews by various authors

July 1984

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