Helping people work together
How do people work together in today's technological society? More specifically how can church leaders and lay leaders combine their efforts so as to be productive rather than disruptive?
Ohio changes system
What happens when a conference changes its departmental system? Is the church ready for another 1901 reorganization? Ohio is experimenting with innovative ways to complete the work God has given it.
Twisting their tales
In many ways Jesus' parables resembled those of the rabbis. But His contained significant differences, also. In fact, the differences help explain why they wanted Him crucified.
Administering church money
A budget is essential to a well-run church. And financing most local needs through one offering item makes life easier for both church leaders and members. Here's a simple way to set up and operate a combined budget program.
Enlarge your church through Sabbath school
The pastor who begins to view Sabbath school as an important part of his church's ministry will have discovered a powerful soul-winning and spirit-building tool Discover how to vitalize your church through the Sabbath school
Ordination of women: a question of status or function?
Is the issue of women s ordination sociological or theological? Are women being denied certain privileges simply to keep them "in their place"?
Who ministers to the minister?
For several reasons, ministering to ministers is difficult. The author suggests two sources of help for ministers. One is available now, and the other he would like to see our church and hospital system cooperate to establish.
When the pastor's wife rebels
Do pastors' wives ever rebel? The author says most do at some time during their pastoral pilgrimage. She identifies six causes for this rebellion and suggests how each may be handled.