Those who follow the suggestions that Karen Burton Mains makes in this refreshing book will discover the joy hospitality can bring to a pastor's home, as well as to the whole church.
Mains says that the difference between hospitality and entertainment is that hospitality puts people before things it does not try to impress, but serves; it liberates.
David and Karen Mains decided they could rarely entertain, but they could be hospitable. The attitude they adopted was "It doesn't matter whether or not the house is a mess. These people are our friends—let's have this time together anyway." "When I put away my pride, lovely things occurred," Karen says. "And others discovered they could be hospitable to us. I have developed many cherished friends." Hospitality must begin at home, ac cording to Mains, for when openness has been developed toward our immediate families, we can more easily impart it to others.
There is a chapter on shortcuts for busy pastors' homes, and other material and stories you will want to share with your members. This book could spark a revolution in your church.