It has been a long time since I have enjoyed reading a book on denominational history as much as I enjoyed this one. The book is one of the 1888 centennial series published by Re view and Herald. It reads like a novel.
Within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the names of Waggoner and Jones have been linked inseparably with the doctrine of righteousness by faith. Various groups appeal to these men's writings to support a wide variety of emphases. But very little detail has been known or published about their lives. George Knight has brought Jones out of the shadows of history and into the light. He correctly portrays him as "one of the most fascinating personalities ever to grace a Seventh-day Adventist pulpit." Jones was also one of the most controversial preachers the church has had.
But George Knight has done more than bring Alonzo Jones out into the limelight of history. He has brought into focus many is sues in Adventist theology that are still with us today. He lists them in the preface to the book: "the meaning of the 1888 General Conference session, the problem of 1893 and the delay of Christ's return, the nature of sanctification, the Adventist holiness movement, charismatic gifts, the role of Ellen White, the human nature of Christ, the Adventist crusade against a Christian America, church and state relationships, and the proper function of church organization." As the author remarks, "the biography of A. T. Jones is not merely a fascinating story, but is pregnant with contemporary meaning."
Every minister who aspires to join in con temporary discussions should read this book to understand the setting of the issues. A careful reading should make the dogmatic more tolerant and awaken the indifferent to the root causes of the issues discussed today. It may also persuade some who have a flair for independence that what they regard as God-given zeal for reform may actually be only a personality aberration!