How to Get Along With Difficult People
Florence Littauer, Harvest House, Eugene, Oregon, 1984, 166 pages, $4.95, paper.
Leading Bible Discussions
James F. Nyquist and Jack Kuhatschek, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1985, 64 pages, $2.95, paper.
Grafting in the natural branch
Building on what we share with Jews, you and your members can make your witness to them more effective.
The preparation principle
Has modern technology eliminated our need to carefully prepare for the Sabbath?
The gospel confronts the "me generation"
Our emphasis on individualism causes us to misread our Bibles. God is much more concerned with the church as the body of believers than most of us realize.
Laodicea: the church that will
The disease of Laodiceanism grips the church. But there is a cure.
Making youth baptisms memorable
What you can do to make the most important event in the life of your people seem as important as it is.
Effective hospital ministry
Visiting hospital patients is an important ministry. Knowing what to do and say can make your visits more profitable.