Reflections on the Gospels
John Michael Talbot, Servant Publications, P.O. Box 7455, Dept. 209, Ann Arbor, Michigan48107, 1986, 181 pages, $5.95, paper.
Seventh-day Adventists Believe ...
New book gives a biblical, Christ-centered exposition of the 27 fundamental doctrines.
Give the people life
Are you giving your people a balanced diet in your preaching? How is their spiritual health?
Ten tips for improving your sermons
You probably touch more lives during your weekly half-hour in the pulpit than through any other single aspect of your ministry. Here are some ideas for improving your effectiveness.
Personal ministries: divide and conquer
The local church's personal ministries department typically has more work than workers. Why not divide up the responsibilities?
How do you read it?
"So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading"-Nehemiah 8:8.
Security as a ministerial duty
When was the last time you assessed the security measures around your church property and your home?
Abortion's effects
What effect has abortion on demand had on our society? Is an abortion a simple outpatient procedure that can be performed and forgotten on the same day?