
Fire in Your Heart

Sammy Tippit, Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1987, 113 pages, $5.95, paper.

Reviewed by Pastor Steve Willsey, Capital Memorial Church, Washington, D. C.

Tippit is obviously a man who has fire in his heart and is impatient for the rest of us to catch the flame. I read his book when I was discouraged and in need of personal revival. The spiritual fires were rekindled in my heart as I read Tippit's vision of an awakened Christian church.

His experiences in Eastern Europe prove that God is at work, even when there seems no hope. He gives many experiences of fires burning in the souls of men and women in unlikely places. One story told how he and two companions at tended a Communist youth festival in East Berlin and were used by God to lead 200 hard-core Communist youth to make commitments to follow Christ.

We in the sophisticated and privileged West have been responsible for representing the Lord to the rest of the world.

Now the fire has practically been extinguished in our churches and clergy. If only the fire would burn again as it did during Whitefield's mission to the colonies! But what would it require? Tippit does not gloss over the need for earnest prayer and forsaking of sin. He shows that an awakening of love for God can crowd out the value we have placed on the pleasures of our age and give us a new passion to save the lost.

I was moved by Tippit's challenge and longed to see all God's servants as on fire as he is. I have committed myself to be open to that fire!

Reviewed by Pastor Steve Willsey, Capital Memorial Church, Washington, D. C.

August 1988

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