
The Pastor as Prophet

Earl E. Shelp and Ronald H. Sutherland, editors, Pilgrim Press, New York, 1985, 184 pages, $9.95, paper.

Reviewed by Pastor Wayne Willey, Amesbury, Massachusetts.

This book of essays is an attempt to call pastors back to theology, rather than the behavioral sciences, as the primary basis for pastoral care. The editors claim that "in the process of integrating the insights of the behavioral sciences with pastoral education, the theological distinctiveness of the church's unique pastoral concerns was placed in jeopardy."

Unfortunately, the proposed theology of pastoral care seems almost indistin guishable from "liberation theology" a social gospel with Marxist overtones. It portrays Latin American liberation the ology as the ultimate contemporary ex ample of the integration of theology and pastoral care.

In spite of the apparent bias of some essayists, most handle the biblical mate rial well, providing insight into the role of biblical prophets. The problem arises in applying those insights to contemporary life. A well-written book, it brings the awareness that pastors need to call their communities and nations, as well as individuals, back to God and righteous deeds that reflect the principles of His kingdom.


Reviewed by Pastor Wayne Willey, Amesbury, Massachusetts.

August 1988

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