
Raising PG Kids in an X-Rated Society

Tipper Gore, Abingdon Press, Nashville, Tennessee, 1987, 219 pages, $8.95, paper.

Reviewed by Anne Elver, free-lance writer and speaker, Alex, Oklahoma.

The primary purpose of this book is to make parents aware of the effects of media on the young, but the issues addressed affect everyone. Gore's venture into cleaning up youth entertainment began when she heard the lyrics of music aimed at teens, and her concern spread to other media. She reviews videos, movies, cable television, concerts, and teen-oriented magazines.

The strength of the book is that it arouses the reader to concern about drug use, suicide themes, violence, explicit sex, and satanic themes found in media designed for teens. Gore discusses youth concerts where crime and drug use occur and includes an interview with the president of a security company that worked with traveling rock groups. Gore reviews what she has done to help clean up the media and gives credit to performers who try to make entertainment a source of positive reinforcement of traditional values.

Examples of what has happened in two cities to make youth entertainment more safe and responsible are given in the appendix, as are sources for assistance with teen problems. Extensive footnotes en able the interested reader to investigate the issues more thoroughly.

This book not only serves as a good resource but contains a powerful message for every group dedicated to maintaining a society where wholesome values are possible.

Reviewed by Anne Elver, free-lance writer and speaker, Alex, Oklahoma.

September 1988

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