Dedicated to a furnace
An ancient inscription and a large pile of slag point to Israel's construction of the tabernacle following the Exodus.
The fall of Babylon in type and antitype
By comparing Old Testament and New Testament references to the fall of Babylon we can learn how to be a part of the true Israel of God today.
Discovering your people flow
Identifying your church's strengths and weaknesses can help you enlarge its entryways and close its exits.
Getting comfortable with God
How is it possible for an imperfect person to feel comfortable in the presence of a perfect God?
Tangible love
Expressing your love in tangible ways appropriate to your spouse's needs and personality will enrich your relationship.
Anointing: the lost rite
You can renew your people's faith in God by using the anointing service for its intended purpose instead of reserving it for those on their deathbed.
Why Adventists live longer
This article is submitted by the Health and Temperance Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists