Our first work
What does the church really need today? Have we been seeking for the wrong things?
Fasting: a discipline ministers need
Fasting can help to control your waistline. And it can help bring your life under the Holy Spirit's control.
The minister as a believer
Only ministers who know God can supply what people come to church to receive.
Breaking down barriers
Can we accept the gospel without accepting our brothers and sisters of different classes, castes, or colors?
Those lucky PKs
Parsonage life holds many challenges. But it provides unique privileges as well.
Where have all the visiting pastors gone?
Didn't the pastors of yesteryear visit the members? If so, what has happened?
Diet and the brain
The human brain used to be regarded as a black box-an isolated organ hiding in a protective bony cage. Now known it is as a user-friendly, living computer.