Adventist education encompasses the world
Adventist schools overseas-increasing in number, breadth, and depth-are helping to meet the church's need for a well-trained work force.
The mission of Adventist education
How can we keep Adventist education from falling prey to the aimless drift that afflicts so much of America's educational system?
Evangelistic dimensions in Adventist education
If evangelism is not an important goal of our educational system, our schools should not be called Christian schools.
Pastors and teachers: partners in ministry
All over the world, wherever pastors and teachers work together, students are being led to Christ.
Ministering to Adventist students in public universities
If there is a university near you, chances are good that Adventist students are attending. How can you meet their needs?
The role of leadership in revival
The fate of the church rests squarely upon the shoulders of its leaders. Where are you leading your church?
The minister as a parent
Here's how you can handle those liabilities your occupation as a preacher poses to your children.
Is it safe to celebrate?
Are the celebration churches bringing Pentecostalism into the Adventist Church? Should the church allow this style of worship?