The Desire of Ages project: the data
How dependent on sources was Ellen White in the writing of The Desire of Ages? What sources did she use, how did she use them, and through what process was that book written?
The minister as a soul winner
The minister's responsibilities as a soul winner encompass both the unchurched and the churched.
Tombstones or diamonds?
A pastor converses with the Lord about neighborhood children who play on the church grounds.
Shepherdess International goes worldwide
The purpose of the Shepherdess organization is to provide ministers' spouses opportunities for spiritual growth, to train ministers' wives as paraprofessionals in team ministry with their husbands, to help the wives understand their role, to improve home relationships, and to provide fellowship and support.
When your piece doesn't seem to fit
What can a pastor's wife do when the church rejects her?
The story on fat in the diet
Dr. Scharffenberg distinguishes between fact and fiction when it comes to fat. Fat is not all bad.