Much of the material in this volume originally appeared in Feathers for Arrows, written by C. H. Spurgeon and published in 1870 by Clapham Press. Lewis A. Drummond, Spurgeon biographer and scholar, wrote the foreword, giving an interesting account of Spurgeon's life. Spurgeon's first sermon, heard by only 80 per sons, started him on his well-known preaching career. Soon after that sermon construction began on the Metropolitan Tabernacle, which later drew 6,000 attendees each Sunday. Drummond claims that 100 years after Spurgeon's death he has more books in print than any other English writer living or dead.
This work offers hundreds of quotations of Spurgeon on various Scripture texts. It contains a useful index of biblical passages. Not all the comments come from Spurgeon's pen, for he often quoted from other authors to illustrate points he wished to make. Where possible, Heinrich brings all the quotations and illustrations on a particular Scripture together.