As you plan for ministry in an apartment complex, you should first deter mine which activities your group or out side resource persons are capable of providing. List these activities on a survey and distribute it to all of the residents at the apartment complex. The completed survey will give your ministry leaders a clear idea of which activities the residents would most likely attend.
It is much better to do a few activities well than to offer many activities and do them in a mediocre way. Barbara Oden recommends that for their continuing adult programming, apartment minis tries begin with just two activities: one a secular activity or seminar, the other a weekly Bible study. More can be added once these are well-established.
Many of the activities in the following list are those used by Barbara Oden and the ministry workers at Springbrook Village apartments in Houston. Others are being implemented in other apartment complexes in the city. Delete and add, adapt and adopt, as best fits your situation.
Social events and activities
(These activities allow the ministry leaders to make friends with the residents. )
Kids' carnival
Skating party (for teens or pre-teens)
Family movie night (one night a week, usually Saturday night)
Puppet show Miniature golf
Game night (at a local gymnasium or elsewhere)
Ladies' coffee
Seasonal social events (children's Christmas party, Easter egg hunt, Fall festival, Fall-Halloween social event at First Baptist Church of Houston)
Progressive dinner (for adults)
Baptist summer camp Field trips (Houston zoo, Astros baseball, Astroworld, San Jacinto battle ground, beach party)
Friday Night Gas Station (a weekly youth social meeting at Westview Mission Center)
International dinner (an annual event)
Classes and seminars (secular)
English as a second language (conversational English classes)
Photography class
Aerobic exercise class
How to Operate Your Car on $500 a Year (auto repair and maintenance)
Craft class
Understanding Your Children
Child care clinic
Children's choir
Hearing clinic
Jogging clinic
Sewing class
Security seminar
Fire protection
Cooking class
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) class
Survival training
Financial planning seminar
Dress Well on a Small Budget
Spiritual activities
Backyard Bible club (a weeklong children's program similar to Vacation Bible School with Bible stories, singing, crafts, and games that can meet during any month of the year)
Kids' Bible club (similar to the Back yard Bible Club, but meets once a week)
Big A club (a program designed to teach unchurched elementary-school-aged children about Jesus)
Teen Bible study (like the Kids' Bible club, this activity meets once each week)
Spanish Bible study
Gospel music concerts (bus transportation to a gospel music concert or festival)
Sunday school and worship service (usually conducted in the apartment complex; otherwise, provide transportation to a nearby church)
Home Bible study (Small groups of adults studying the Bible about topics relevant to their needs. These small groups, which meet once during the week, form the core of the congregation in the apartment complex.)
Mini-revival services (with special guest speakers and gospel music)
Special Sunday celebrations (on Easter, Christmas, and other special occasions during the year)
Mission trip (In June 1988, the youth groups from the different apartments' ministries in Houston went on a seven-day mission trip to Mexico. They did Backyard Bible clubs, other witnessing activities, and sightseeing.)
Benevolence assistance (This ministry helps needy individuals and families in the apartment complex with urgent food, clothing, and utility needs. When ever necessary, it directs these people to community service agencies where they can receive further assistance. It also assists persons in the task of job hunting.)