A book like Laura is long overdue. In an age when the media bombards us with horror stories of rape and missing persons, we need the kind of information contained in this book. The author, a pastor's wife, describes her experience as a rape victim and that of others. More than a book on rape, the book contains valuable information on child abuse, incest, and battered wives. Sisk gives advice to victims on how to cope, listing agencies, books, and places they may turn to for professional support.
Laura dispels the prevalent myths regarding rape. Sisk states that "probably half of all rape victims are attacked by someone they know." She alerts us to tricks rapists play on victims and gives practical guidelines on how to avoid rape situations. These include trusting your feelings, being aware and assertive, and being mentally prepared to escape rape.
The section dealing with sexually abused children outlines ways to help children be less vulnerable. Sisk gives tips on how parents can detect sexual abuse in their children and how to interact with a child that has been assaulted. She states that "one out of three girls will encounter some form of sexual abuse, and about one out of eight boys." She claims, "Our hope lies in educating our children and ourselves. We need to know how to get help and how to help."
The author writes with sensitivity about recovery from abuse, encouraging victims to find inner peace through Christ's healing love, giving them tools to help work through fear, self-blame, and anger.
Every woman must get a copy of Laura. Every mother must share it with her children. Ministers, teachers, and counselors will find Laura a useful resource as well as an excellent book to give to anyone hurting from sexual abuse.