Abendmahl und Fusswaschung (Lord' s Supper and Foot Washing)

Abendmahl und Fusswaschung (Lord' s Supper and Foot Washing): Studien zur adventistischen Ekklesiologie

A comprehensive study on these ordinances.

Reviewed by Daniel Heinz, dean, Theological Seminary at Bogenhofen, Austria.

Current discussions between Catholics and Lutherans on the significance of the Lord's Supper demonstrate the importance of the issue for ecumenical dialogue.

In this book several Adventist European scholars take a new look at the ordinances from a biblical/theological and practical/liturgical perspective. The study represents the first of a series in Adventist ecclesiology published in Ger man and French. The most comprehensive analysis done by Adventists on the topic, the study consists of two parts. The first deals with exegetical, dogmatic, and historical aspects of the Eucharist. The second part discusses the significance of foot washing. This latter section also covers practical questions, such as how to perform the Lord's Supper and who can participate. It discusses how to serve Communion to the sick and dying; should Communion be open or closed; and should we use a common or single cup. A compilation of Adventist statements, taken from Ellen White and other sources, complete the study.

The study focuses on the Christological nature of the two ordinances, exposing anything unbiblical added by tradition. The book accomplishes its goal to contribute toward a conscientious translation of the words and deeds of Him who instituted the Lord's Supper and the rite of foot washing.

Practical and liturgical suggestions help pastors proclaim and practice the ordinances. It is doubtful that this worth while work will soon be replaced as a major Adventist study on the ordinances. Therefore, it needs to be translated into English for a larger readership.

Reviewed by Daniel Heinz, dean, Theological Seminary at Bogenhofen, Austria.

February 1993

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