Immortality: The Other Side of Death

Near-death experiences and life after death?

By the staff of Ministry.

Recently noted

Immortality: The Other Side of Death, Gary R. Habermas and J. P. Moreland, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, 1992, 275 pages, $12.95, paper.

Many years ago an Adventist book appeared entitled The Other Side of Death (C. B. Haynes, 1916). It did not, however, take the same side of the issue as this volume. The authors of this "Side" take their stand for immortality of the soul, and then go on to make the evidence fit their belief. Though many footnotes are used, the material does not cover any of the related subjects in depth. Though the authors frequently say that their evidence is "clear," this is rarely the case. Of inter est is their use of NDEs (near-death experiences) to prove immediate life after death. In doing so, however, they neglect to explain adequately similar experiences by those who have not been near death. Concerning NDEs, better information is obtainable from Christian Research Journal San Juan Capistrano, California.

This book could be useful for pastors giving Bible studies on the soul or answering questions on the subject.

By the staff of Ministry.

August 1993

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