Without a smile
The image of Chelsey Thomas was enough to demand my attention, though I had intended only to browse the headlines on the evening news. She was only 8 years old. At first glance she seemed rather ordinary. Ordinary, that is, until she tried to smile. Chelsey was born without the muscles that make that simple facial gesture possible.
Compassion---an alternative lifestyle
A candid view of homosexuality suggesting courageous ways of pastoring homosexual people.
A homosexual in my congregation?
How should a church extend its ministry to the homosexual in its midst?
Homosexuality: establishing a Christian backdrop for pastoral care
What are some of the issues underlying care for the homosexual in your congregation?
Do you pray for gays?
When the prayer ended, tears welled up and overflowed. Softly he said, "No one ever did that for me before."
Ten commandments for improving pastoral marriage counseling
Useful techniques for marriage counseling
Christians and the homosexual
What do real Christians do when confronted with a spiritually fallen world?
A cry from the valley of death
A young man talks frankly about what it means to experience the agonies of homosexuality and AIDS
A practical theology of ordination
An interpretive model of ordination from the New Testament data.