The aim of this modest work is fourfold: to show the Creator's wisdom and care as manifested in the human body, to demonstrate the good ways in life to take care of that body, to show the harmful ways in which we can damage that marvelous creation, and to put all of this in the context of the three angels' messages of Revelation. It is an ambitious task, but it is done well.
The wisdom of the Creator is manifested in such intricate mechanisms as the use of DNA for heredity with which to build up the body and the extraordinary functions of the eye and red blood cells. The chapter on good and bad nutrition is up-to-date with the latest information on antioxidants and phytochemicals. Empty calories are warned against. Water is good, but alcohol and caffeine drinks are not. Fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and adequate rest are recommended.
It is not enough to have a healthy body; that healthy body should be used to worship the Creator who gave it in the first place. In this way emphasis is placed upon various aspects of the health message of Seventh-day Adventists such as public health studies on the extra longevity of Adventists and the Newstart program. All of these aspects of health are deftly interwoven with the messages of the three angels of Revelation 14. One would think that this could be rather strong medicine but it is handled skillfully in this book. Heaven's Lifestyle Today is strongly recommended to the general reader who would like to know more about the wisdom and care of the body, and to pastors who are interested in using health studies as a part of their ministry.