You are invited to a special pre-session World Ministers' Council just prior to the 2000 session of the General Conference in Toronto.
How appropriate for Adventist pastors, their families, local church elders, chaplains, evangelists, and administrators, along with guest clergy of all denominations, to gather for several days of worship, fellowship, continuing education, professional development, and encouraging motivation for service.
The theme of our council, "The Way of the Cross Leads Home," emphasizes the Cross as the central focus of history and the necessity of allowing Christ's grace to permeate every aspect of ministry. Plenary session topics include presenters from every world division, simultaneous translation into various languages, and the following topics: The Primacy of the Cross, The Way of the Cross and Mission, The Way of the Cross and Service, The Way of the Cross and Unity of Believers, The Way of the Cross and Creation, The Way of the Cross and God's Word, The Way of the Cross and Worship, The Way of the Cross and Christ's Coming, The Way of the Cross and Personal Growth, The Way of the Cross and Stewardship, The Way of the Cross and the Sabbath Experience, The Way of the Cross and the Church, The Way of the Cross and Salvation, The Way of the Cross and Hope, The Way of the Cross and Professional Ethics, The Way of the Cross and Sanctification, The Way of the Cross and Judgment, The Way of the Cross and Restoration, The Way of the Cross and the Lost, The Way of the Cross and Victory, and The Way of the Cross and You.
This council is an event for the entire family. Each morning's "Family Worship" will feature an international environment of worship suited for all ages to share together. Several pastoral families will be attending the pre-session compliments of their child's winning the PK Contest. Special afternoon seminars and events for children, including child care for infants and toddlers, will make it easy for parents to participate and enjoyable for the youngsters.
Each morning will also feature a unique family-oriented plenary session with Dr. Archibald Hart, dean emeritus of Fuller Theological Seminary's School of Psychology. Attendees will also have opportunity to personally interact with Dr. Hart.
Over sixty different seminars will be featured in the afternoon along with in-depth Bible study sessions and special sessions for pastoral spouses. Almost all of the presenters, which include an international array of individuals from every division, are currently-practicing pastors who won a special Ministry magazine contest designed to discover the best of the best of pastoral teachers.
Exciting topics on virtually every aspect of pastoral ministry will make it a challenge to choose which seminars to attend. You may also purchase tapes and handouts from any of the seminars you cannot attend.
Almost all of the General Conference Departments are also hosting a track of seminars for those interested in developing in-depth skills in a specific ministry emphasis.
Evening sessions will feature dynamic music, including a full worship orchestra, evangelistic preaching, instruction in church growth principles, and encouraging reports from all over the world. In fact, video reports will feature a typical "day in the life" of a pastoral family from various cultures around the world.
Dozens of display booths will feature the latest in church resources. You can interact with professionals in every area of church life. In fact, there will even be an area where you can bring your own ideas and display the good things that are happening in your area of service with others who wish to network.
Who should attend? If you are a pastor, evangelist, chaplain, administrator, or Bible teacher, you should come! If you belong to a pastoral family, you will enjoy the family-friendly atmosphere. If you are a local church elder or have an interest in developing ministerial skills for yourself or improving them in your congregation, you will discover growth opportunities abounding.
What about cost? Because of favorable exchange rates, Canada is a financial bargain with almost 40 percent benefit on the U.S. dollar.
Pre-registration is just U.S. $79.00 per individual and $39.00 for spouses with no charge for children. An on site refundable deposit will be required for child care which will encourage you to retrieve your child on time.
Many conferences are sending all their pastoral families with special financial savings for group registration. Also, congregations may choose to sponsor their pastoral family's attendance.
Watch the September issue of Ministry for a full World Minister's Council brochure, registration forms, and complete information.
Remember, you are invited, and your ministry will benefit from your participation!