The pastor and visitation: Richard Baxter's model
A "classic" model of pastoral visitation: its parameters, purposes, and opportunities
Changing the world with ID?
A measure of the "Intelligent Design" movement and how conservative Christians can relate to it
Times of spiritual darkness: Twelve ways out
Proactive ways that help us rise from deep spiritual depressions
Domestic violence: The hidden crime
The dimensions and characteristics of violence in the home and what a pastor can do
Intergenerational conflict
Generational differences in the local congregation and suggested ways of handling them
Elder abuse: A faith-based response
What local congregations can do to ease the rise in the abuse of the elderly
God's people and their franchise
Elements of Seventh-day Adventist faith: The church, the remnant, and the mission
Ministers and ministry-to the poor
What is the role of the local congregation in the life of people in poverty?