Preaching out of the overflow: the spiritual life of the preacher
An interview with Barry Black, chaplain of the United States Senate.
The Caravan of Power yields Pentecostal results
Celebrating the Seventh-day Adventist Year of World Evangelism: A special project in Peru, South America.
The Sabbath: God's everlasting covenant
Another in Ministry's ongoing study of the faith of Seventh-day Adventists from a Christocentric perspective (see last month's article by Dr. LaRondelle: "Paul, Law, and Covenant")
Who moved the stone?
A thought-provoking look at the historical viability of the Christian belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Pornography: the journey to healing
A candid, practical exposure of our vulnerability to Internet pornography and how ministers may deal with it.
"Bless me": an opportunity missed?
Dealing honestly with people who want our "blessing" when we wonder whether we should give it.