Subtly double-minded
Many of us feel overworked-and at times overproud in our abilities to multitask. We have our careers, job responsibilities, coworkers, civic duties, responsibilities to care for those less fortunate, and extended families. We have church duties, community concerns, and financial worries. Then there is terrorism, crime, war-the issues are overwhelming.
Fellowship, our greatest witness
It is the welcoming and embracing spirit and action of a local congregation that does as much as anything to win people's hearts to Christ.
Seventh-day Adventists and the Lord's Supper
A discussion of the unique Seventh-day Adventist belief in the Lords Supper and foot washing.
Controversies great and small: Seventh-day Adventists and conflict management
Principles for handling conflict in the local church and elsewhere.
Church planting as growth strategy: Is it effective?
An investigation of the relationship between church planting and kingdom growth in the churches in the New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Sunday-morning evangelism: A case study
A candid report by a local pastor of the pros and cons of running a Sunday-morning evangelistic outreach.
Encounters with Adventist women planting churches
The historic and contemporary evangelistic contribution of women in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
My covenant with God: Seminary student in front-line evangelism
A special inspirational feature with the "Year of World Evangelism 2004" emphasis in mind.