eTreasures: Seven way to enhance your ministry through the Internet
How a pastor can creatively use and improve the local church's use of the Internet.
The privilege of stewardship
A Christocentric view of the Seventh-day Adventist understanding of stewardship. Statement of Faith #20.
"Political correctness" in Muslim evangelism?
The pros and cons of over- or underadapting the Christian faith to a given Muslim setting.
Evangelism is God's business
This month's special feature celebrating 2004 as the Year of World Evangelism.
Not just membership: Called to discipleship
A challenging look at transforming "members" into disciples at the local congregational level.
The Fundamental Beliefs and "Growing in Christ": Proposal for a new Fundamental Belief
An official report on the possibility of a further article of belief being included in the Adventist expressions of faith.