Pastor and physician: prescription for effective team ministry
How may pastor and physician work together? What are the advantages?
Ministering to the mentally ill pastor
Constructive ways to relate to pastors who are suffering mentally.
Corporately facing up to sexual infidelity
The final in Ministry's eight-part series challenges the church to relate constructively when pastors fall.
A re-fellowshipping* process for the morally fallen: an administrative approach
Principles and actions necessary when pastors commit adultery.
Third International Faith and Science Conference
A summary statement articulating the objectives and processes behind the recent Seventh-day Adventist Faith and Science Conferences
An Affirmation of Creation: Report of the Organizing Committee of the International Faith and Science Conference
A summative action of the Organizing Committee of the Faith and Science Conference
Response to an Affirmation of Creation: Made by the members of the General Conference Executive Committee at the 2004 Annual Council
A further faith and science action taken by the members of the General Conference Executive Committee at the 2004 Annual Council
When pastors are hospitalized
How congregations and colleagues can help when a pastor goes to the hospital.