A house of prayer for all peoples: A vision of inclusion
There may be pressure and reason to exclude people from our fellowship. The call to include them is more compelling.
Adventist theology and deep time history: Are they compatible?
The second in an extended series featuring papers presented at recent SDA Faith and Science conferences
Techniques for great pastoral letters
A strong case for writing personal letters to congregational members and leaders
A slice of history: How clearer views of Jesus developed in the Adventist Church
A look at the development of the doctrines of the Trinity and Christology in Adventist history
Two-way evangelism: Needed, humility and humanity
The art of actually winning people to Jesus Christ
No, you can't pray for me
False reasons for screening others out, true reasons for including them
Tale of a twenty-first-century pastor
The daunting demands of pastoral ministry and its rich rewards
Pastoral popularity: privilege or pitfall?
Weighing the pros and cons of pastoral popularity