How leaders can keep busy-and get nothing done!
How leaders can get in control of how productive they are.
Pastoral ministry: management or spiritual leadership
How should a pastor show leadership?
The story of Pastor Alpha: becoming an emotionally intelligent pastoral leader
How a pastor needs to use his/her emotional intelligence in order to show better leadership.
The ABCs of everyday spiritual leadership
Lessons about spiritual leadership from every letter of the alphabet.
The rationale for grounded leadership
How valid is it to assert that the canonical declaration "God is love" not only constitutes the most inclusive statement about God but also conclusively identifies the total essence, function, and ends of God's leadership of His entire creation?
Knight's Law applied to church leadership
About 25 years ago I decided to try my hand at developing some cryptic and esoteric sagacity of my own. The result: Knight's Law, with two corollaries for church leaders.
A radical approach to becoming a great leader
The challenge for many leaders is that we don't have the fortitude to step up to the plate to become the type of leader that people trust. The following story is true. It's a potential inspiration to any leader ready to make real changes in his or her life, and it gives understanding of what makes a good leader great.
Help for spiritual leaders in hard times
Clergy today are having a difficult time! Congregations are harder to serve. They are of greater diversity and have higher expectations. Ministers are caught between traditional values and outlooks and a high-pressure array of daunting innovation and moral uncertainty, all easily identifiable in any one congregation. The pastor is no longer the parson, almost universally looked up to and respected by those under his or her care.
Serving significantly as leaders
Anyone willing to pay the price can enhance and expand their leadership skills, but what helps a leader to last?
Spiritual leaders and the multicultural mosaic
Fasten your seat belts-but whatever you do, don't close your eyes. The prognosticators of a future pluralistic society have been proved to be true prophetic voices heralding a rapidly altering world in the supercharged information age. Change is taking place with such speed that our theology and ethics are being outpaced, struggling to keep up with the exploding proliferation of innovation and technology, and the massive social evolution that sweeps in behind it.