Living with the other
If John Donne was correct when he wrote, "No man is an island, entire of itself," then how should we relate to each other?
Alcohol dependency: what pastors should know
We are bombarded with reports that moderate drinking is beneficial. What does that mean? A physician shares with us a more complete picture and the complexity of alcoholism in the first article of a two-part series.
Hope for a lost world: a study of Romans 5:12-21
Two powers are engaged in mortal combat with each other for humanity. Who will win? The choice is yours.
Old and new: continuity and discontinuity in God's everlasting covenant
Does a new covenant signify a new gospel or a new way of salvation?
Should the Christian mission focus on salvation or society?
Social action and evangelism go hand in hand. But how do we strike a balance between the "now" and the "not yet"?