Two ministries, one mission
One of the most remarkable things about Adventism is that the only two professional groups, pastors and teachers, who are employed in the local church full time in most congregations, often have little understanding, sympathy, or even contact with each other’s ministries, trials, challenges, and contributions. That fact is more than remarkable; it is tragic. What can be done to help bring these two crucial professions closer?
God's promised gift: An urgent appeal for revival, reformation, discipleship, and evangelism
Do we realize that all heaven waits to pour out the Holy Spirit in infinite power for the finishing of God's work on earth?
Dealing with criticism from parishioners
Ten suggestions that aid in handling something that every pastor will face.
Theological diversity: A threat, an asset, or what?
Is it really such an enormous problem, as many seem to think, that Adventist thinking has become much more diverse than it used to be? Is it really such a threat?
Reflections on the future of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America: Trends and challenges (part 1 of 2)
How is the Seventh-day Adventist Church doing in terms of growth, finances, and Christian education?
Matthew 16:13-20: Jesus' warning to His disciples
If Jesus came to earth to reveal the Father, then why would He not want His disciples to tell others that He was the Messiah?
Planning evangelistic strategies
Seven suggestions that have universal application for the pastor who wants to succeed in evangelism.