Preparing the way
Why didn’t they just brush him off as another fanatic? Because they saw holiness in his life; they saw a living connection with God.
The many faces of fundraising
As a fundraising professional, I have found that some Bible stories provide great insight into the principles of fundraising. One of the best examples is found in 1 Chronicles 29:1–17, where David outlines his donations to the building of the temple because "this palatial structure is not for man but for the Lord God."1
Bible camps: Evangelism through intensive summer camps
These Bible camps, as described by the author, continue as an important role in the evangelistic cycle by the church in Finland.
Reflections on the future of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America:The long view of church growth (part 2 of 2)
How can the North American church bust the trends and turn the church around?
The ordinance of humility: Precursor to the Cross
We lose something precious when we no longer practice the ordinance of humility.
Spiritual strength: What happens when spiritual leaders and spiritual people work together?
Lessons from Nehemiah’s life of leadership.
To the ends of the earth
The command of Jesus, “to the ends of the earth,” impels His followers to an astonishing journey of action.
Beyond Common Ground: Why Liberals and Conservatives Need Each Other
A review of Alden Thompson's call to unity and understanding.