“Where is the joy?”: Three keys to avoiding burnout
How did the author of this article find his vocational joy——stronger and richer than ever?
Growing disciples through transformational learning
Discover how God uses the strengths, personalities, life experiences, and even weaknesses in pastors to accomplish His purpose in the lives of His people.
The immortality of the soul: Could Christianity survive without it? (Part 2 of 2)
This article features the beliefs of prominent writers, in previous centuries, regarding the mortalist viewpoint.
The erosion of funeral customs and its impact on ministry
What must be done to restore and preserve ministry effectiveness when death strikes a family?
The mystery of Israel’s salvation: A study of Romans 11:26
Romans 11:26 does not refer to political or geographical deliverance prior to Jesus’ second coming but to spiritual salvation. Do you agree?
Understanding the Word
In a world literally choking with books, documents, and publications, what makes the Word of the Living God so special?