Al Waad Channel viewership exceeds expectations
Beirut, Lebanon—February 1, 2011, marked the launching of Al Waad Channel (Hope Channel in Arabic) reaching the countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. Since beginning the broadcasts, Al Waad Media Center, based in Beirut, Lebanon, has received numerous emails and thousands of visits on their Web site. The media team has been working hard to reach an audience of potentially more than 300 million Arabic people in the region with the message of love and hope. The programming is designed to help guide people to a better life in this world and give hope of an eternal life to come.
A recent viewer’s response revealed that many Arabs are welcoming the Al Waad broadcast with open arms. The feedback indicates enjoyment of the high caliber quality and content of the programs. “We never expected viewer feedback to be so immediate and so positive,” says Amir Ghali, director of Al Waad Media Center. He continued, “This is an indicator for us to continue working hard in producing programs that will present the Adventist Hope in relevant issues such as health, morality, education, family, and business ethics.”
“This is wonderful news to hear that people have already expressed their satisfaction in the quality of Al Waad programs and are interested in knowing more about Jesus as the only hope for the human race. I want to praise God for it and thank the Al Waad team for their hard work and creativity to share the present truth in the context relevant for Arabic people,” says Bertil Wiklander, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division under which the Middle East region falls.
The Al Waad Channel is the newest member of the global Hope Channel, the Adventist Church’s official television network. Please visit to see a glimpse of some programming. [Miroslav Pujic, tedNEWS]
Adventist-Muslim dialogue
Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines— An Interfaith Dialogue between Muslims and Adventists was conducted at the campus of Mountain View College (MVC), Philippines, January 26, 27, 2011. The program was organized and coordinated by the Adventist-Muslim Relations Department of the MVC Alumni Church with the support of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) Adventist Missions Department. In attendance were some of the country’s prominent Islamic religious leaders and scholars, as well as leaders and professors from the SSD, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, MVC School of Theology, and pastors assigned in Muslim-populated areas in Mindanao.
The program was a continuation of the dialogue conducted in Mindanao State University, Marawi City, in May 2008, consisting of a series of alternate presentations from the Muslim and Adventist sides, and an open forum after each presentation. With the theme “Building Bridges of Understanding and Peace,” the aim was to identify points of commonality between the two religious faiths and to clarify issues in areas of difference. Prayers from both Muslim and Adventist participants were said at the opening of each day’s sessions. Resolutions were formulated toward the end of the dialogue, wherein it was decided that more dialogues involving larger participation would be conducted. [Jimmy Jiamah V. Adil Jr.]
Ministry Web site sees significant increase in traffic
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States—Have you visited our Web site recently, We have experienced a significant increase in traffic in recent months. You can search all of the articles published in Ministry for the past 30 years by author, title, or issue. A remarkable new feature of our Web site is the translator, which makes articles available in 52 languages.
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