The Reliability of the New Testament Scriptures: Earliest Manuscript Evidence (Part 1 of 2)
Can we claim the Bible as a trustworthy and authoritative revelation of God’s will? That has always been a central pillar of the Christian faith. In contrast to the honored place the Bible has held among Christians, a recent trend in textual scholarship, focusing on differences in ancient copies of the New Testament (NT), has raised a number of issues that call into question the accuracy and reliability of the NT Scriptures. . .
The Weightiness of Worship
Worship is one of the most important exercises any Christian can do. It is for this reason that we were born. . .
Get Back to the Basics. Be Jesus to Someone!
A colleague stopped by my office not long ago. We see one another seldom enough that we make the most of each opportunity for conversation. On this occasion, we got on to the subject of our families. He told me about his brother, a successful corporate executive. “When I’m with him,” he said, “I sometimes think I would have been better off doing something like he did. I wouldn’t be so frustrated now.”. . .
Revival and Reformation--What revival does for a Christian
When the Holy Spirit brings about revival in the life of a Christian, this will be naturally evident. At the same time, we as Christians can encourage revival in our lives by practicing these characteristics. . .
Why Do Different Scientists Interpret Reality Differently?
It is generally assumed that well-educated people who dedicate their professional lives to the scientific study of nature are able to approach their subjects with a dispassionate attitude.1 Using sophisticated equipment, they make careful observations, conduct experiments, develop hypotheses, propose theories, and arrive at objective conclusions in their respective areas of expertise. . .
The Spirit in your life: Conditions for endowment (part 2 of 2)1
What does it take to be endowed with the Spirit of God? In the July issue, we explored four of the seven conditions for the reception of the Spirit, as revealed in the New Testament: repentance, implicit trust, obedience, and a burden for the lost. We will address the last three conditions in this article: persistent intercession, honoring the body temple, and letting Christ abide in your heart. . .
The Foundation for Genuine Community - Part 2 of 2
We all know Paul’s words: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28, NASB). In the fuller context (Gal. 3:26–29), the apostle describes our new primary identity after we experience baptism and become sons and daughters of God. . .
Creation and Evolution
Developed from a series of sermons on creation and evolution, Dwight K. Nelson’s revised edition of Creation and Evolution appropriately appeared in 2009 while the world celebrated the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species.
The Pastor and Health
As a pastor, you may have a number of travel obligations and opportunities. Before you travel to foreign countries, research guidelines and tips regarding vaccinations and safety because knowing how diseases are spread may help you from getting sick. . .