Extreme Servolution
Because we are part of a global community in crisis, the time has come for a worldwide wake-up call.
Free will and choice: A study of Jeremiah 1:5
This article aims to illuminate a Scripture passage that has long been painted with the broad brush of predestination.
Have a heart: Praying from your heart and not just your head
Could a person who had always lived in her head learn how to intercede for others from her heart?
Supporting Multiple Methods of Outreach in the Local Congregation
Traditional evangelism and outreach—how can a church membership embrace both?
Laying a Foundation for Missional Living: A Call to Primitive Godliness
The author examines the kind of foundation we need in order to reach the Western culture with the gospel message.
Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewish Words of Jesus Can Change Your Life
What would it be like to listen to Jesus’ earth-shattering words through the ears of first-century disciples?
Troubled by worry and anxiety?
Pastors are not immune from worry and anxiety. Here's help.