Engaging Adventist Millennials: A church that embraces relationships
The Barna Group surveyed Millennials who were (or had been) part of an Adventist congregation in order to understand their common experiences and attitudes. See some of the results.
Were Andronicus and Iounian apostles?
Did Andronicus ever receive the title apostle? And, was Junia a female apostle? Read how the author addresses these issues.
Deepening your Spiritual Life
The author’s highest priority was caring for the pastoral needs of his parishioners, thereby neglecting his own spiritual needs—a problem all pastors must deal with.
Love and judgment: God’s triumph—Part 2
The judgment message has two complementary aspects: God’s justice against sin on the one hand, and on the other, the extension of God’s blessing to all nations along with the vindication of His love, justice, and mercy.
Samoan churches multiplying—with one pastor!
Where did this vision of a multiplying network of churches crystallize? And how does it work?
salvation and deliverance: Lessons from Exodus 14
In the Bible, we find expressions of just what God has done and is doing to save, lead, and sanctify us. Read the examples that the author has selected.
Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet
This new book makes two huge contributions to the study of the life and writings of Ellen White.
Innovation is key to relevance in new “attention economy,” media experts say
Religious news from around the world.