Searching the Scriptures, serving the church: The mission and ministry of the Biblical Research Institute
The editors of Ministry interview the theologians of the Biblical Research Institute.
Evangelism in a secular context
The author defines a “postmodern” person and suggests ways to reach them with the gospel.
Persecution in the Adventist church?
Read how a commitment to freedom of conscience will lead us to respect the opinions and choices of those with whom we disagree.
Kingdom Building
Kingdom building must happen everywhere: rural communities, small towns, and large cities.
Caring is not a spectator sport
Learn from five churches that exhibit creative ways to illustrate a “caring” community.
Jesus’ “betrothal promise” is His bride’s guarantee of heaven
Seven reasons why Christians who believe in the return of Jesus should not be anxious about whether they will be found in His kingdom.
The Truth About Grief: The Myth of its Five Stages and the New Science of Loss
Konigsberg reviews the history of grief and concludes that the five stages of grief are a myth in light of the most recent research.