Does revival and reformation happen only to adults in the church? Can God’s Word revive children spiritually? There is no doubt that God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, can change and transform even the lives of children.
Meet Clifferson Araujo dos Santos, an 11-year-old small group ministry leader from Manaus, Brazil. Revival and reformation all started when Clifferson attended a children’s meeting and was inspired to start a small group ministry. He began by inviting his school friends and neighbors, giving them books and materials to read. Can you imagine a child with the passion to start a small group?
For three years, Clifferson has been running a weekly small group on Friday evenings for 23 to 28 children. The majority of the children are poor, and some have parents in prison. But they learn about Jesus through the Christian songs they sing and the Bible stories told by Clifferson.
Each Friday evening, the children get to enjoy a delicious meal provided by Clifferson’s parents. Then they welcome the Sabbath with singing. Clifferson shows a DVD on the life of Jesus, and then he studies the Bible with the children, who conscientiously underline special texts in their Bibles. Then they have a Bible activity.
What are the results? The parents of these children speak about changes in the lives of their children: they are more obedient and more respectful to the family, and their conduct at school has improved.
When the Holy Spirit comes into the lives of children, the Spirit revives and reforms them. Children spend more TAG time (time alone with God). Many engage in more they learn about Jesus through the Christian songs they sing and the Bible stories told by Clifferson.
Each Friday evening, the children get to enjoy a delicious meal provided by Clifferson’s parents. Then they welcome the Sabbath with singing. Clifferson shows a DVD on the life of Jesus, and then he studies the Bible with the children, who conscientiously underline special texts in their Bibles. Then they have a Bible activity.
What are the results? The parents of these children speak about changes in the lives of their children: they are more obedient and more respectful to the family, and their conduct at school has improved.
When the Holy Spirit comes into the lives of children, the Spirit revives and reforms them. Children spend more TAG time (time alone with God). Many engage in more personal prayer, running small groups, and witnessing for Jesus. Reading and studying God’s Word becomes a daily adventure. Others become fired up in service to the poor and less fortunate, following what James 1:27 admonishes: “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble.” *
Yes, revival in children is real! Jesus said, “ ‘Let the children come to Me, and do not forbid them’ ” (Matt. 19:14).
*All scriptures are from the New King James Version