If we ever needed to revive our commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the message He gave us, it is now. There is no need to repeat the signs of the end because we know what they are. Satan’s attempts to undermine the mission of the church, which is Christ’s own mission, will intensify, for he knows
that his time is short.
To clarify the basics of revival, let me point out the important difference between accepting Christ as Savior and accepting Him as Savior and Lord. Paul repeatedly speaks of Christ as Savior and Lord. This was the issue in eternity past. Lucifer never accepted the authority of the Son of God over him. No one will be in heaven who does not do so. While Calvary remains the center of our lives, revival means a willing and cheerful surrender to Christ as we pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
To clarify our mission, we need to understand Christ’s mission, for His mission is our mission. There are three important aspects: (1) Christ’s mission means to win souls by preaching and teaching, medical work, and helping those in need. This must be done with the love and compassion Jesus
exemplified. (2) Christ’s mission also was to bring glory to the Father, which is the overriding principle of our mission, for it is all about Him and not about us. (3) Christ did not ignore the coming judgment and the preparation we need.
Let us revive our lives by deepening our commitment to Him who is our Savior and Lord and by deepening our commitment to participate in His mission, which also is ours.
—Jack Blanco, ThD, is professor emeritus at Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee, United States.