Believe His prophets: Why I accept Ellen G. White’s prophetic ministry1
We have the responsibility for nurturing and fostering the belief in and active use of the Spirit of Prophecy.
“My heart falters, fear makes me tremble” (Isaiah 21:4, NIV): Emotions and prophetic writings in the Bible
This article features emotions and their worth for they tell us about who we are, who God is, and how He deals with us.
The testimony of Jesus
Delve into the meaning of the testimony of Jesus and its implications for our lives today.
Sola Scriptura: The reformers and Ellen G. White
What is the sola Scriptura principle and how did Ellen G. White view it?
Christ’s incarnation: Testing the prophets
Discover how the doctrine of the Incarnation, a test of prophetic ministry, is reaffirmed and deepened in the writings of Ellen G. White.
Total non–church member involvement
Inspirational thoughts from our continuing revival and reformation series.
The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History
I would urge scholars, pastors, church administrators, and local elders to obtain a copy of this solid work for their personal libraries.