"Let me tell you a story": The transforming power of narrative preaching and teaching
Stories connect with the tenacity of glue, sometimes holding for decades while intermittently releasing memories that recalibrate personal values.
The “story” telling and outreach
The Bible is God’s story book. It is over 75 percent stories showing who He is and how He deals with every kind of person. Our calling is to tell His story.
Narrative changes lives
Read what happened when Sucheen was given more than just proof texts; she was given the truth in story.
Sharing our faith with millennial generations: The power of storytelling
To effectively communicate the gospel to the millennial generation, we must think creatively and analyze how they listen and learn.
Stories: Unlocking hearts for God
Some cultures are only drawn to the salvation story through relatable language, songs, and stories. How can we reach them?
Narrative preaching and teaching: An assignment
A practical assignment on narrative preaching.