The topic of Creation is central to our beliefs as Christians and often arises in Bible studies or general discussion. Non-Christians often view us as ignorant for maintaining our belief in the biblical Creation account. Design and Catastrophe: 51 Scientists Explore Evidence in Nature is a scientific deep-dive into Creation-centered topics that will help you challenge this view.
From the mind-blowing fundamental constants Aleksei Popov discusses in chapter 1, “The Fine-Tuning of the Universe,” to “A Story of Brokenness, Hope, and Restoration” by David N. Mbungu as the conclusion, the book will expand your knowledge and fascinate you. The authors cover a diverse array of subjects, such as the origin of matter, incredible properties of water, the origin of life, DNA, intelligent design, extinctions in the fossil record, and widespread evidence of the Flood. The book is well-structured, and each chapter is written by an expert in his or her respective area, giving it a high level of credibility.
Educating your congregation
Do you sometimes struggle to present Creation-related themes in an intelligent way? Would you like to enrich your scientific knowledge and reach the hearts of those so firmly hanging on to evolution? Design and Catastrophe will arm you with plenty of thought-provoking topics. Church members and family members learning different ideas about human origins at secular schools will benefit from you reading this book. Enable yourself to reach them both on an intellectual and spiritual level.
Part I covers the origins of matter, how the cosmos declares God’s glory, and how intelligence—not chance—is required for the perfect engineering we see in living cells. Part II digs into DNA and its work as the Designer’s alphabet and explores elements of design pointing to the Creator. Part III considers various chemical reactions and “the incredible Intelligence that designed and implemented the unnatural chemical manufacturing system known as photosynthesis” (64). Part IV reveals the Creator’s design in tiny oceanic microorganisms, invertebrates, and fish up to gigantic sperm whales. It looks at birds and the perfect design of honeycombs. In Part V, experts investigate the complexities in insects and animals and point to a Mastermind behind it all. Part VI connects the wonders of the human body to the Creator’s image. Part VII examines interdependence and cooperation from the molecular level all the way up to the ecosystem level. Part VIII investigates catastrophes and extinctions in the fossil record. Part IX is the final deep dive and covers large-scale catastrophes and evidence of a global flood in the fossil record.
Overall, Design and Catastrophe is an extremely valuable resource for anyone interested in the intersection of science and faith. It provides a strong defense of the biblical Creation account backed by scientific evidence and expert insights. The book will enrich your understanding and equip you to engage in meaningful discussions about the origins of life and the universe. Rooted in scientific evidence and logical reasoning, it offers a compelling alternative to evolutionary theory. It also provides you with plenty of material to prepare a sermon for Creation Sabbath.1
I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of Creation and to those looking for ways to present Creation-related themes intelligently and convincingly.
- Creation Sabbath is the fourth Sabbath of October of every year. For more information, read the Practical Pointers column of this issue. A wealth of resources is available at