In recent years, one of the most challenging topics to address in ministry is human sexuality. Sex has always been a hot topic that generates a lot of interest, particularly among young people, but today, the discussion has gone to an entirely new level. Whereas the topic once focused on the differences between men and women, avoiding sexual relations until marriage, and being faithful to one’s spouse, it is abundantly clear that the topic has broadened far beyond these basic points.
In today’s world, where sexual identities are fluid and practices are determined solely by a person’s desires, how can pastors, teachers, parents, and other leaders navigate these times in a compassionate, practical, biblical way that honors the individual and our Creator God?
To help provide resources in addressing this challenging question, the Human Sexuality Taskforce of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has developed a website,, featuring articles, videos, questions and answers, and recommended reading covering a wide range of topics on the subject of human sexuality.
Focusing on a biblical yet practical approach, the website is organized into three main sections: “Love.” “Truth.” “Life.”
The “Love” section explores the biblical meaning of true love in its different dimensions and as expressed in human sexuality. Some articles in this section include “When Did God Create Love, Sex, and Marriage?” “Making Love the 1 Corinthians 13 Way,” and “What Adventists Believe About Marriage and the Family.”
The “Truth” section dives into God’s Word, showing how the Bible defines truth, revealing its attractiveness and how it leads to an abundant life. Some selections from this section include “Beyond Binary: The Biblical Truth About Biological Sex, Gender, and Creation,” “God’s Ideal for Marriage: Listening to Scripture’s Clear Voice,” and “Homosexuality and the Bible: What Is at Stake in the Current Debate.”
The “Life” section focuses on some practical aspects of human sexuality, giving guidance to living an abundant life in Christ. Articles in this section include “Beyond Abstinence: Presenting God’s Ideal for Sexual Intimacy,” “Pornography: A Rising Phenomenon,” and “Navigating Masturbation: A Consideration for Christians.”
In addition to articles organized in these three sections, the website features a “Stories” section featuring compelling stories of several individuals who have struggled with various aspects of sexuality and have found freedom and joy in Christ. This section is one of the most popular on the website and continues to grow as more stories are added.
Questions and answers on various aspects of love, dating, marriage and divorce, sexuality, and more are available on the home page of the website. This “Q&A” section features material prepared by Willie and Elaine Oliver, Family Ministries directors of the General Conference.
A go-to resources page completes the website, featuring multiple videos on various topics as well as recommendations of biblically-based, practical books on sex and sexuality, marriage and family, pornography/sexual addictions, and LGBTQ+. There are even book suggestions, especially for parents and children.
At the end of the “Resources page” is a helpful hyperlinked list of the Seventh-day Adventist official statements, guidelines, and documents related to the Bible and human sexuality.
The website is periodically updated with new material and continues to serve as a reliable resource for those looking for solid answers on various aspects of human sexuality. The website welcomes suggestions and author queries on its contact page at