Bryan Aalborg
Bryan Aalborg is associate pastor for young adults in the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church, Arlington, Texas.
N.J. Aalborg
By N. J. Aalborg
F.L. Abbott
By F. L. ABBOTT, Evangelist, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Donald H. Abbott
By DONALD H. ABBOTT, M.D., Medical Director, Kendu Hospital, East Africa
G.K. Abbott
By G. K. ABBOTT, M.D., Sanitarium, California
Tabitha Abel-Cooper
Tabitha Abel-Cooper is a pastor's wife and mother of two children in Newtownards, Northern Ireland. She is also a nurse in the cardiac care unit of Belfast Royal Victoria Hospital
Harlyn Abel
By HARLYN ABEL, Professor of Music, La Sierra College, California
Tabitha B.C. Abel
Tabitha B. C. Abel, DrPH, is an adjunct faculty member, Treasure Valley Community College, Ontario, Oregon, United States.
Paulasir Abraham
Paulasir Abraham, PhD, DMiss, is an associate pastor at the Southern Asian Seventh-day Adventist Church, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Lennox Abrigo
Lennox Abrigo pastors the Seventh-day New Covenant Church, Germantown, Maryland, United States.
Clifford D. Achord
Clifford D. Achord, Ph.D., is associate professor of marriage and family counseling at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Thaddeus C. Achord
Thaddeus C. Achord, M.D., is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Loma Linda School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California.
Edna Ackerman
By Edna Ackerman, Bible Instructor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Leslie Ackie
Leslie Ackie, MA, is director for Family Ministries and Children’s Ministries, British Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Watford, Hertfordshire, England. He is pursuing a doctorate in family ministry from Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.
Luis F. Acosta
Luis F. Acosta is an associate pastor of the Pan/American Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church in Hacienda Heights, California.
Elvin E. Adams
Elvin E. Adams, M.D., M.P.H., is a physician at the Huguley Memorial Medical Center, Fort Worth, Texas.
G.O. Adams
G.O. Adams, President, British Columbia Conference
Paul P. Adams
By PAUL P. ADAMS, D.D.S., Faculty Council Member, C.M.E., Loma Linda
Roy Adams
Roy Adams, Ph.D., is an associate editor of Adventist Review.
Vinston E. Adams
VINSTON E. ADAMS Manager, West Indies College Press, Jamaica
W.L. Adams
W.L. Adams, Pastor, Arlington, California
W.M. Adams
BY W. M. ADAMS, Associate Religious Liberty Secretary, Pacific Union
Adelowo Felix Adetunji
Adelowo Felix Adetunji, PhD, is senior lecturer in Comparative Religion and Mission, and chair, religious studies department, Babcock University, Ikeja, Lagos States, Nigeria.
Bocaneanu, Adrian
Adrian Bocaneanu, MA, is a pastor and director of SperantaTV for the Adventist Media Center, Bucharest, Romania
Gabriel Adu-Acheampong
Gabriel Adu-Acheampong, BA, is a district pastor in the South Central Ghana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Carlos Aeschlimann
Carlos Aeschlimann is an associate secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association and coordinator of the Harvest 90 program.
Ron Aguilera
Ron Aguilera is associate pastor of the New Market Seventh-day Adventist Church, New Market, Virginia.
Alfredo G. Agustin Jr.
Alfredo G. Agustin Jr., PhD, is associate professor of New Testament, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
Dorothy Aitken
Minister's Wife, Takoma Park, Maryland
Rachel Lemons Aitken
Rachel Lemons Aitken,MSA,is the founder of Digital Discipleship and leads this ministry for the Australian Union, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia.
Godwin N. Aja
Godwin N. Aja, DrPH, is a professor of health promotion and education, and deputy director of the office of research and international cooperations, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria.
Victoria Tayo Aja
Victoria Tayo Aja, DMin, is a chaplain and assistant professor of applied theology at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS), Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
Onaolapp Ajibade
—Onaolapp Ajibade, DMin, serves as executive secretary, West-central Africa Division of Seventh-day adventists, Abidjan, Cote d’ivoire
Sharon Aka
Sharon Aka, PhD, served as the associate director for the Adventist Learning Community and is currently a leadership consultant and professor of nursing at Notre Dame of Maryland University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States.
Tim H. Aka
Tim H. Aka, MBA, is an associate treasurer and director of investments for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Onajite Akemu
Onajite Akemu is an entrepreneur, church planter, and author residing in Abuja, Nigeria.
George H. Akers
George H. Akers, Ed. D., is director of the Education Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Ambrocio Alcaraz
By AMBROCIO A. ALCARAZ, Evangelist, Central Luzon Mission, Philippines
Jose Ruben Alejandro
Melak Alemayehu
Melak Alemayehu, MA, is chaplain and lecturer, Ethiopian Adventist College, Shashamane, Ethiopia
Wilber Alexander
Wilber Alexander, Ph.D., is professor of Theology and Clinical Ministry, Division of Religion, Loma Linda University.
Rob Alfalah
Rob Alfalah, MAPMin, pastors the St. Louis Central and St. Louis Mid-Rivers Seventh-day Adventist Churches, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.
A.N. Allen
By A. N. ALLEN, Pastor, Arlington, Virginia
Benjamin F. Allen
By Benjamin F. Allen, Vice-President, Deluge Geology Society, California
Edward Allen
Edward Allen, D.Min., is pastor of the church at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital.
Shirley Allen
Shirley Allen is development director for Project PATCH in Clackamas, Oregon.
Stephen N. Allred
Stephen N. Allred, JD, MDiv, is lead pastor at the Yuba City Seventh-day Adventist Church, Yuba City, California, United States.
Tim Allston
Tim Allston, MS, is an author and certified life coach with the American Association of Christian Counselors, Huntsville, Alabama, United States.
F.A. Allum
By F.A. ALLUM, Minister, New South Wales, Australia
Grace Edith Amadon
Grace Edith Amadon, Research Worker, Takoma Park, Maryland
Philemon O. Amanze
Philemon O. Amanze, PhD, is a senior lecturer in the religious studies department, and director of the Ellen G. White/Seventh-day Adventist Research Center at Babcock University, Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria.
William G. Ambler
WILLIAM G. AMBLER, Pastor, Atlanta, Georgia
K. F. Ambs
Assistant Treasurer, General Conference
Patrick Anani
Patrick Anani, PhD, serves as rector, Cosendai Adventist University, NangaEboko, Upper Sanaga, Cameroon.
Claudine Anderson-Atkinson
Claudine Anderson-Atkinson, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, pastoral spouse, and lecturer and research supervisor in the Department of Graduate Counseling Psychology, Northern Caribbean University, Manchester, Jamaica.
A. Allan Anderson
By A. ALLAN ANDERSON, Head of Bible Department, La Sierra College
A.N. Anderson
By A.N. ANDERSON, Missionory, Davao, Philippines
Audrey Anderson
—Audrey Andersson serves as executive secretary, Trans-European Division, St. Albans, Herts, England.
C.R. Anderson
C. R. Anderson, M.D., now deceased, was the speaker for the program "Your Radio Doctor."
Carl D. Anderson
CARL D. ANDERSON, Head of Department of Speech, Canadian Union College
Carole Brousson Anderson
Carole Brousson Anderson, Ph.D., is a practicing psychologist and pastor's wife in British Columbia, Canada.
Eleanor P. Anderson
Eleanor P. Anderson, from Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, assists her American Baptist pastor-husband in teaching Sunday school and leading church choirs.
Helen Anderson
By HELEN ANDERSON, R. N., Former Director of Nurses, Canton Sanitarium
Irene B. Anderson
By IRENE B. ANDERSON, Bible Instructor, Pasadena, California
J.N. Anderson
By J. N. ANDERSON, Professor of Biblical Languages, Union College
Myra E. Anderson
MYRA E. ANDERSON is a shepherdess
Director, Public Relations, Greater Sydney Conference, Australia
Ormond IC Anderson
Ormond IC Anderson,Director, Public Relations, South Australia Conference
Paul Anderson
Paul Anderson, DMin, a retired United States Navy chaplain, serves as director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries for the North American Division, Columbia, Maryland, United States
Roy Allan Anderson
Roy Allan Anderson was for many years editor of MINISTRY and secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association.
Shane Anderson
Shane Anderson, MDiv, pastors the New Market Seventh-day Adventist Church, New Market, Virginia, United States.
Stig B. Anderson
STIG B. ANDERSON, Minister, West Lebanon, New Hampshire
V. A. Anderson
Minister, Central California Conference
W.H. Anderson
By MRS. W. H. ANDERSON, Bible Instructor, Claremont, North Carolina
Audrey Andersson
—Reviewed by Audrey Andersson, secretary, Trans-European Division, St. Albans, Herts, United Kingdom.
Audrey Andersson
Audrey Andersson, MA in pastoral ministry, is executive secretary of the Trans-European Division, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.
M.L. Andreasen
By M. L. ANDREASEN, General Field Secretary, General Conference
Niels-Erik Andreasen
Niels-Erik Andreasen, PhD, is president emeritus of Andrews University, residing now in Helena, California, United States.
H.E. Andren
H.E. ANDREN, M.D., F.A.P.A. St. Helena Sanitarium and Hospital, Angwin, California
Vern R. Andress
Vern R. Andress, Ph.D., is professor of psychology at La Sierra University, Riverside, California.
W.M. Andress
By W. M. ANDRESS, Chaplain, New England Sanitarium
Elmer E. Andross
By ELMER E. ANDROSS, Former President, Inter-American Division
Cephas Ang'ira
Cephas Ang’ira, MA, serves as district pastor in the Nyamira Conference, Nyamira, Kenya, Africa.
Vesa Annala
Vesa Annala, MDiv, pastors in Kalmar, Småland, Sweden.
Gavin Anthony
Gavin Anthony, MA, is currently pastoring in Dublin, Ireland.
Radisa Antic
Radisa Antic, PhD, is director of the Ellen G. White Research Center and principal lecturer in systematic theology and philosophy at Newbold College, Bracknell, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Ronald D. Anton
Ronald D. Anton, an attorney in Niagara Falls, New York, is a lay preacher, a former lecturer in Christian ethics at Niagara Bible College, and a former lecturer in civil rights law at the University of Buffalo Law School.
Dan M. Appel
Dan Appel is the Senior Pastor of the Auburn Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Lawrence A. Appley
Lawrence A. Appley is chairman of the board, American Management Association. He is the recipient of several awards, including the Medal for Merit presented by the President of the United States. He is the author of several books on management, and of the TV series Managers in Action.
Rubenita de Oliveira Xavier Aragão
Rubenita de Oliveira Xavier Aragão, master of clinical psychology, is a psychologist specializing in cognitive and behavioral therapy, residing in Brasília, Brazil.
Wagner Augusto V. Aragão
Wagner Augusto V. Aragão, master of history, is a church pastor residing in Brasília, Brazil.
Lyle M. Arakaki
Lyle M. Arakaki is pastor of the Japanese Seventh-day Adventist Church in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Kai Arasola
Kai Arasola, D.Min., teaches religious studies at Mission College, Saraburi Province, Thailand.
B. L. Archbold
B. L. Archbold is president of the Inter-American Division.
W.R. Archbold
By W. R. ARCHBOLD, State Evangelist, North Dakota Conference
Julian Archer
Julian Archer is an international speaker, author, and project director for the North New South Wales Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He writes from Newcastle, Australia.
Thomas L. Are
Thomas L. Are is pastor of the Shallowford Presbyterian church, Atlanta, Georgia.
Kenneth A. Arendt
Kenneth A. Arendt, Ph.D., is a professor of physiology in the Department of Physiology, Pharmacology, and Biophysics in the School of Medicine at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California.
Henry Argent
By HENRY ARGENT, Foreman, Stanborough Press, England
Russell H. Argent
Ruseel H. Argent
Henri W. Arguin
Henri W. Arguin, a former Roman Catholic seminarian, is a pastor in Canada.
H.L. Armstrong
H.L. Armstrong is professor of physics at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and is the present editor of the Creation Research Society Quarterly.
V.T. Armstrong
By V. T. ARMSTRONG, President, Far Eastern Division
Charles Arn
Charles Arn, Ed.D., is president of Church Growth, Inc., in Monrovia, California, and the author o/How to Start a New Service.
Ruben Arn
Ruben Arn is associate ministerial secretary and an evangelist of the Peru Union Mission.
Win Arn
Win Arn is president of LIFE International and the New Senior Study Center, Arcadia, California
Jeremy Arnall
Jeremy Arnall is an associate pastor at the Bowman Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cleveland, Tennessee
Rhonda Arnold
Rhonda Arnold is the registrar at Takoma Academy, Takoma Park, Maryland.
Jonas Arrais
Jonas Arrais, DMin, is the editor of Elder’s Digest and an associate secretary of the Ministerial Association of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Raquel Arrais
—Raquel Arrais, associate director, Women’s Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
David Arrington
David Arrington, MDiv, youth and young adult pastor, Dupont Park Seventh-day Adventist Church, Washington, DC, United States.
F. M. Arrogante
Lay Activities, S.S., and P.R. Secretary Central Philippine Union
Libna J. Arroyo
Libna J. Arroyo, MA in School Counseling, is an assistant professor of psychology at Pacific Union College, Angwin, California, United States.
Antonio Arteaga
Antonio Arteaga,Pastor-Evangelist, Southeastern California Conference
John Arthur
John Arthur is a pseudonym
Lorna Arthur
A theology graduate, Lorna Arthur is actively engaged in church work along with her pastor husband. She writes from Manjimup, Western Australia.
Jeffrey Arthurs
Jeffrey Arthurs, PhD, is the Robinson Professor of Preaching and Communication, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts, United States.
Arsen Arzoo
By ARSEN ARZOO, M.D., Director, Arak Mission Hospital, Iran
Sarah K. Asaftei
Sarah K. Asaftei is a writer for, St. Albans, Herts, England.
Amofah A. Asamoah
Amofah A. Asamoah, DMin, is pastor of the New Jersey Ghana Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hillside, New Jersey, United States.
Myrtle Asay
By Myrtle Asay
Andres Ascione
By ANDRES ASCIONE, Evangelist, Buenos Aires, Argentina
F.G. Ashbaugh
F. G. Ashbaugh, Secretary, Medical Cadet Training, Pacific Union Conference
Kraid Ashbaugh
By KRAID ASHBAUGH, Principal, Kern Academy, Shafter, California
Carl J. Ashlock
By CARL J. ASHLOCK, District Leader, Alabama-Mississippi Conference
J.F. Ashlock
J.F. Ashlock, Ministerial Association and YPMV Secretary, Southern Asia Division
Ryan L. Ashlock
Ryan L. Ashlock, at the time of this writing, was an instructor in the Faculty of Religious Studies, Asia-Pacific International University, Muak Lek, Thailand.
John Ashton
John Ashton, Ph. D., is principal research scientist, Strategic Research, Sanitarium Health Food Company, New South Wales, Australia
Ned S. Ashton
By NED S. ASHTON, Pastor Sligo Church, Takoma Park, Maryland
William M. Ashton
WILLIAM M. ASHTON, Retired Layman,Batesville, Arkansas
Greg Asimakoupoulos
Greg Asimakoupoulos, pastor, Crossroads Covenant Church, Concord, California.
Mickey Ask
Mickey Ask, M.D., is a faculty member at Loma Linda University Schools of Medicine and Public Health. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the medical coordinator of the addictions treatment program at the Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans Hospital. He serves as the chairman of the Physician Wellbeing Committee at Loma Linda University Medical Center, the VA hospital, and a California State Diversion Evaluation Committee.
Luis Gustavo S. Assis
Luiz Gustavo S. Assis is pastor of eight churches in the city of Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil.
James Astleford
James Astleford, MSA, is a retired ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) country director residing in Okotoks, Alberta, Canada.
Virginia Astwood
By VIRGINIA ASTWOOD, R.N., Los Angeles, Calif.
Nina Atcheson
Nina Atcheson, MRE, PedD, honoris causa, is a curriculum manager and senior editor for the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
Esther Nixon Atchley
ESTHER NIXON ATCHLEY, Minister's Wife, Washington, D.C.
Jimmy Arthur Atkins
Jimmy Arthur Atkins, DSL, is the senior pastor of the True Worship Christian Fellowship nondenominational church, Cary, North Carolina, United States.
Maxine Atteberry, R.N.
Maxine Atteberry, R.N., is professor of nursing, Loma Linda University, having most recently served as associate secretary, department of health, Far Eastern Division.
Raj Attiken
Raj Attiken, president, Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, headquartered in Mount Vernon, Ohio, United States.
Daniel Augsburger
Daniel Augsburger, Ph. D., now retired, was professor of historical theology at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Janet Augustinsen
Janet Augustinsen, at the time of this writing, was an undergraduate student at Avondale College, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia.
Sherry Augustus
Sherry Augustus is the chaplain at Crawford Adventist Academy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Philippe Aurouze
Philippe Aurouze, pasteur, trésorier et responsable du ministère des disciples en FFS
Teresa Auten
Teresa Auten is the adult music director for the Triplett United Methodist Church in Mooresville, North Carolina, United States.
Francis W. Avery
By FRANCIS W. AVERY, Chaplain, Florida Sanitarium, Orlando, Florida
Jim Ayer
Jim Ayer serves as vice president for Advancement and host/producer of Making Waves TV, Adventist World Radio, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.
James Ayers
James Ayers, a Ph.D. candidate in patristics at Boston College, pastors the First Presbyterian Church in Waltham, Massachusetts. He is the author of "The Gifts of Evangelism: God's Purpose and Call for the Evangelists in Your Church."